At Accountants Plus we provide a range of services tailored to meet your everyday legal requirements, both as an individual and as an operating business.
As a leading business specialist firm, these more specialist services enable us to provide you with full support across many aspects regarding your personal and business affairs.
Trading Entity Structures
If you are starting a new business or expanding an existing business it’s important to understand and select the right legal structure for your business.
At Accountants Plus we can help you make the right choice.
The various legal structures include:
- Sole proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
- Trusts
For each of these, taxation, your personal liability, and reporting requirements do vary. We can guide you through the options and help determine the best option for your business. Talk to us today about your requirements.
Family Trusts
A Family Trust provides a valuable way of protecting the assets you have accumulated for the benefit of others. We have extensive experience in this area and offer specialist advice on Family Trust formation. Furthermore, we ensure all statutory requirements are met.
Obligations for Trustees can often be onerous and our assistance in Trust administration can be invaluable.
We advise and assist on all aspects regarding the formation and administration of Family Trusts including:
- Preparing and executing the vital documentation involved in Trust formation.
- Attending to the special requirements involved in reporting for Trusts.
- Assisting with Family Trust administration including:
- Minute-keeping
- Annual accounts
- Taxation
- Asset management
- Investment monitoring
- Income distribution
- Trust and Trusteeship.
Contact us today to ensure your Trust is formed and administered as effectively as possible, covering all legal requirements and so allowing it to fulfil its purpose.