Bookkeeper vs Accountant?

  As a small business owner, you know the importance of having someone take care of your finances, especially when doing taxes.  Let’s face it, you started your own business to do what you love, not be bogged down with figures and numbers. So, have you ever wondered what the difference is between a bookkeeper […]

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COVID-19 Tax Assistance

  Tax time is just around the corner and this last year hasn’t exactly been an easy one for most NZ businesses.  What with lockdowns, supply chain issues, and inflation, it’s nice to know that the Government understands the effect that COVID-19 has had on small businesses and is providing tax relief and income assistance […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Discounts

  Everybody loves a deal, don’t they?  We’ve made it through Christmas and the Boxing Day sales, next up is the New Year sales, followed by Waitangi Day deals, then Valentines Sales, the list goes on.  It almost seems like consumers would be crazy to pay full price for items when they can just wait […]

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Is It Time to Spring Clean Your Finances?

The clocks have changed, flowers are blooming, lambs are skipping, and the mercury is rising; all signs that spring is in the air.  Tradition tells us that this is the time to have a good clean-up and clear out of your house, but what about dusting off the proverbial cobwebs from your finances? Setting aside […]

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Managing your tax during COVID-19

Here in New Zealand, it’s important to acknowledge that we have been luckier than other nations in terms of our COVID-19 situation. However, the situation is still present here and is still affecting people and businesses. IRD have said that if you are unable to pay personal or business taxes on time due to any […]

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Should you be registering for GST?

Have you started a small business and want to know more about your GST options? Well, look no further.  GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a tax that is added to most goods and services usually at a rate of about 15%. If you sell goods or services then you may want to look into […]

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Don't offer discounts

Why You Shouldn’t Offer Discounts In Your Business

Want to boost sales in your business? Then don’t offer a discount! Sounds strange, doesn’t it? As often a common strategy for getting some quick dollars in the door is to have a sale or offer a discount. But, you could actually be doing your business harm by using this tactic. In fact, it could […]

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Bookkeeper and Accountant

The Difference Between An Accountant And A Bookkeeper

As a business owner, you know that you need an accountant. After all, who will do your taxes at the end of the year without a numbers whizz? But then, the term bookkeeper gets thrown in the mix… what do they do? Bookkeepers and accountants both look after the various aspects of your business finances. […]

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How To Get Your Financial Forecasting Right

Being savvy with your finances is at the heart of every successful business. To make your finances work there are some key elements that you need to make use of. A financial forecast is one of those things. A financial forecast is an essential tool for any business. It predicts your future financial state, tells […]

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Get Paid On Time

Tips To Get Your Payments In On Time

Do you have clients or customers who are not paying their bills on time? This can be one of the more awkward things about running a business. It can also have negative impacts on day-to-day operations if cash flow is constantly tight, especially in small businesses. But what can you do about it? How can […]

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