Business Cash Flow Tips For When Your Money Seems To Disappear
Does your business bank account feel like a bit of a black hole? Money seems to go in there, but it never ends up in your pocket. It just seems to disappear without warning. If you had one of those years, it is time to have a bit of a look at your finances and business cash flow. Turn that black hole into a well-oiled profit-generating machine.
I know, sometimes that is easier said than done. So, let’s have a look at how you can review your finances and see where the money is leaking out.
Where Did My Money Go?
Often you choose to start a business because you love what you do. But it is a bit of a shock when you discover that running a business is more than being able to make money from your passion. There is a lot to understand when it comes to business cash flow and finances. It can seem like your money just disappears, but we promise you that it is going somewhere.
These are the key things to keep an eye on…
Stay On Top of Things
With finances, it is essential to stay on top of what is happening on a day to day basis. If you bury your head in the sand and leave things for too long, then you don’t have a clear picture of what is happening in your business. How will you know what money you have to spend if you don’t know what your commitments are?
Keep Accurate Records
You can do this by hiring a bookkeeper, tasking it to your accountant, or by using a great online software. Record your daily transactions so that you can keep a handle on your income and your expenses.
Keep The Business Cash Flow Rolling In
Cashflow is really important in small business, and the best way to keep on top of your cash flow is to send your invoices out on a regular basis. Don’t wait to send them all out at the end of the month. Invoice your work as soon as you can. If you are time poor, then get assistance from a bookkeeper, virtual assistant or team member.
Chase Your Debts
It is one thing to send out your invoices, but you also need to ensure that the money comes in for them. Don’t let the debt age too much; otherwise, your business cash flow will suffer. Try to stay on top of your outstanding invoices.
Sometimes a business will genuinely have forgotten about or misplaced your invoice, so a simple reminder can get the money in the door. In other cases, you might need to take more drastic action and request the assistance of a debt collector.
Know Your Costs
It is really important to know where your money is going. Keep track of all your costs and review them regularly. Are there areas that you can save money, do things more efficiently, or cut costs?
Do you have any big expenses coming up? Forecasting for them will ensure that there aren’t any scary surprises. Try to set money aside for these expenses so that you don’t have to magic up hundreds or thousands of dollars when the time comes!
Call In The Experts
If you don’t have a good understanding of the ins and outs of your finances then you should really call on the help of an expert. Speak with your accountant as they will be able to do an in depth analysis of your profit and loss, and your financial statements.
They will be able to notice any holes in your processes, address any negative trends, and generally examine what is working and what isn’t. Your accountant can also help keep you on track with your tax and GST obligations, ensuring you only pay what you need to and don’t receive any penalties.
Now You Are In The Know
Once you have a clear picture of your finances, you will know exactly where your money is going and what you have left to spend. It will become apparent that there isn’t a naughty little elf stealing your money! Once you know what is happening to it, you can make a budget and a plan to use your funds wisely. That way you can ensure your costs are covered, and there is enough leftover to pay yourself!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Accountants Plus if you need some help understanding your business cash flow, or if those funds really do seem like they are disappearing without reason. We have a range of services available to help you manage your finances effectively.