Common Tax Due Dates 2015/2016

Income Tax 7 July 2015 // 2015 tax return due to be filed for those without extension of time 28 August 2015 // 1st provisional tax instalment payment due for 2016 15 January 2016 // 2nd provisional tax instalment payment due for 2016 7 February 2016 // terminal tax due for payment for 2015 for […]

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Calling all Employers

The adult minimum wage will rise from 1 April 2015: it will go from $14.25 an hour to $14.75 an hour. Don’t forget there are some savings as well though…ACC levies will decrease by an average of 5%. Have you budgeted these factors in for the new year?

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IRD Reminder

You may have received a text message from the IRD recently about tax being due on the 7th of April. This reminder is a new IRD initiative! We just wanted to let you all know that this reminder is in relation to 2014 income tax. It is the final payment to wash-up any tax still […]

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